Why We’re Publishing Some Trump Stuff Again

The Trump electoral spectacle wears on through its tenth year, about as long as “The Apprentice” show. In fact, it might well be that one of the things Trump initially wanted with his election shenanigans was for them to last as long as “The Apprentice”. It’s all about celebrity, you see.

It’s likely that Trump never thought he would win in 2016 and, when he did, he lurched from one cuckoo idea to the next. It’s likely that the next go-round will be different because a group of far-right ideologues has  been preparing an agenda for comprehensive reaction—whether Trump understands it or not. He will be their useful idiot.

It still is surprising when someone says something new about the potential or significance of the Trump phenomenon. We at Hard Crackers want to be cautious about breathlessly proclaiming any new insights which turn out to be quite old and stale.

So, we’ve decided that it might be helpful to re-publish some of what we think are the best articles about Trump and his supporters that we have previously posted. We think they provide some distinctive understandings for our readers to mull over. Hopefully, that’s true for our older readers who may have read the articles the first time around and for our newer readers who will be reading them for the first time.

We’ll be re-posting the articles every few days for the next couple of weeks. Please pass them on to your friends and comrades. If you feel like you have something new to say about Trump or Trumpism, do not hesitate to send your submission our way, hardcrackerseditors@gmail.com.

In any case, please remember: Trump will go away but Hard Crackers will be here forever!

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