Hard Crackers Magazine Issue #9 Release Event

Where:         Freddy’s Bar (the Backroom)

                        627 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

                        (Between 17th & 18th Street)


When:           Saturday Afternoon, January 7, 2023

                        2 – 4 pm


Program:     Readings by Hard Crackers writers

                        Songs performed by John Pinamonti

                        Sledgehammer wit provided

                        Open discussion

                        Booze and food available


If you are in the NYC vicinity, please try to attend. One of our readers will be Tim Bruno (from out of town), a regular contributor to Hard Crackers, both in the print issues and on the blog. John Pinamonti, a well-known tunesmith, will provide some appropriate songs on his guitar. Past issues of Hard Crackers Magazine and other assorted printed matter will be available at Crazy Eddie Prices (they can’t be beat). Freddy’s Bar is a comfortable joint and you will be able to hang there, once the official event is done. Give to Hard Crackers and Hard Crackers will give right back to you.



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